Norman Wing

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At the south end of the veranda that faces Lytton Road, just off the main kitchen, CAPTAIN’S GALLEY, is the first major extension to Hanworth since Heath’s original build. It is named the WIENHOLT WING for Mary Marguerite Wienholt who purchased the Home from the Heath family in 1913, renaming it ‘The Hospice’. Records are scant if not non-existent, but it is known that Mary Wienholt added this wing around 1918, to expand the capacity of her aged care facility. It contained 8 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, much the same layout as exists today.
Of note is the construction from timber in contrast to the predominantly brick build of the original home.
Mary took an active interest in the running of ‘The Hospice’ and in 1927 bequeathed the Home to the Theosophical Society, requesting the Home be run as she had established. The Theosophical Society upheld these wishes until ‘The Hospice’ was sold to the Anglican Church in 1995, who also upheld Mary Wienholt’s wishes. The Anglican Church changed the name from ‘The Hospice’ to ‘Hanworth Home for the Aged’.
Honoured with room names in this wing are an eclectic mix of old and new connections, but all of significance to Hanworth’s past. This is truly reflective of the way Marisa embraces all manner of people with incredibly varied backgrounds and personalities.
The rooms of the WEINHOLT WING:
OLIVE Olive Tate
HENRIETTA Henrietta Hemming
JOYCE Joyce Turner (Resident)
LOUISE Louise Harris (Defended Hanworth against demolition for a proposed bridge to New Farm)
LILIAN Lilian Cooper (Qld’s first female Doctor – Friend of Mary Wienholt)