The 155th year of my heritage home.
It's not unusual for people to ask where the time went, but I think for everyone this seems incredible.
The year 2020, the end of February. How did we get here? For me, and hope everyone else, 2019 was a great year; We celebrated the 155th birthday of my dream home, Hanworth House, we partnered with some new and wonderful companies (and some oldies 😉) and had some absolutely incredible events.
It's hard for me to pick a favourite, we hosted Une Piece's International Women's day event for the third time, which will be coming up again on March 5th 2020, had an extravaganza week for Hanworth's birthday which included two cocktail parties, a champagne festival and high tea, had our famous Melbourne Cup lunch and hosted many beautiful wedding ceremonies.
Ok, if I have to pick a favourite moment I think would HAVE to be the 155th cocktail birthday when we had Suzie Q with her hot pink electric violin playing on the rooftop! We tried Confeitto candy for the first time, and if you haven't I strongly recommend you get onto their 'Bearies and Cream' and 'Bellini Hearts' my two favourites. If you missed the party I'm sorry, the night was incredible, as was Suzie.
We are forever at looking at new ways to support our community, which lead to the creation of our shop for good online store with some amazing little treats that all support amazing not for profits in the Brisbane community.
At the close of 2019 the Chatelaine and I sat down to see what Hanworth looked like for 2020. We spoke about our events focus and decided to stick to what we do best, boutique events, with a heart. So in the coming year keep an eye out for our Mother's Day high tea (with Veuve Cliquot of course), the house birthday party (another wine dinner may be in the cards this year) and our Melbourne cup luncheon.
So for this year my news year resolution this year is to keep up my writing, I've been a bit lacking in the last couple of years but I really do love sharing my stories with you all. So if there is anything you would like to see or hear from me this year let me know!
Tilly xx