It has been an eye opening year for us all so far (and we are only half way through it!). If you don't know what I am talking about, where have you been hiding?! This year we (or at least I have) taken a good look at the things we take for granted, what we place importance on and the impact even our smallest actions have.
'Hindsight is always 20/20' has never been more true and impactful than right now, we have definitely taken the small things for granted, like lunch with friends, being able to go to the gym before or after work (for that matter, having work), popping into the shops and grabbing things for dinner, to name a few. One thing that I never have (and never will) take for granted, and I implore you to think deeply about this, is that my home is a safe place for me. Unfortunately and devastatingly this isn't the case for many women and children. Over the last few months, Queensland (as well as the rest of the world) have seen a sever escalation of domestic violence due to isolation.
You have probably heard or seen us harp on about WLSQ, Women's Legal Service QLD and the fundraising we do for them. But do you know what they do and how vital their work is?
WLSQ is a specialist community legal centre providing free legal and social work help to people who live and identify as women in Queensland. They assist women in matters of family law, child support, child protection, domestic violence and some areas of sexual assault as well as providing community legal education and participating in law reform. Imagine isolating at home afraid of the person who you are raising children with, scared for yourself and your children, with no knowledge of how to work within the legal system and unable to be financially independent. Enter WLSQ and their superstar team with legal advice, education and a fresh start!
Recently WLSQ have experience unprecedented calls to their Domestic Violence prevention helpline, as more women and kids are living with extreme risk. At the same time, the organisation has had to postpone all major fundraising initiatives – well, that was until now! As sad as I am that we have to wait until 2021 to see Brisbane's twinkle toe CEOs, I couldn't be prouder to announce that we are continuing our support of WLSQ and teaming up with some of Brisbane’s most stylish women. As part of an exclusive fashion event later this year, we aim to raise much-needed funds for WLSQ. We can’t say too much just yet, but an announcement is coming soon so keep your ears and eyes open. We recently announced a clothing collection initiative (details below if you want to get involved) and we have been completely OVERWHELMED by the amazing support from you all in our amazing community! So thank you all so much already.
If you would like to help; I wanted to extend the invitation to you, to also get involved in a really simple way – donating a couple of designer items you no longer wear, or potentially still with tags on (let’s be honest, we all have a few!). I encourage you to search your wardrobe for 2 key pieces of fabulous designer clothing, handbags, jewellery or accessories to donate. All donations will go directly into a BRAND NEW fundraiser and all funds raised will be directed to WLSQ. This means your donation will make a direct impact on QLD women and kids impacted by violence. While we encourage you to choose 2 incredible items there is of course no limit to your generosity.
At Hanworth we are hosting a ‘drive through, drop off’ for donations on Saturday 18th July, 9am-12pm. Simply drive through the easement between 6 & 12 Hanworth Street, East Brisbane and your donations will be gratefully accepted. If you can't make this date but want to help, feel free to contact us. We thank you so much in advance for your support and to please spread the word! Let’s use our wardrobes to make a huge different for WLS, and the women and kids they help.
If you need help:
If you, or someone you know, is feeling trapped at home please contact WLSQ just for a chat about your situation. You will get a really supportive, open conversation so please call 1800 WLS WLS (1800 957 957) if you need help.
If you want updates from us:
Subscribe to our mailing list by entering your details in the pop up box at
This year has been full of lessons, perhaps we need to slow down, shop local, spend more time with loved ones and remember there are people who are not as lucky as we are, so if you know someone who needs help reach out in anyway you know how.
For now I will leave you with that AND with a video of the dancing doctor we supported for 2019 Dancing CEOs, Dr Michelle Delamont and her amazing performance. We will be very excited later this year to share with you the Dancing CEO we will be supporting for their 2021 performance.
Until next time, all my love
Tilly xx